

A word or grammatical form expressing a negative connotation.
Derogatory words
Why You Should Educate Yourself on Derogatory Words

What are Derogatory Words?
A derogatory word, also known as a ‘slur’, is a word that expresses a negative or disrespectful connotation with the objective to disparage or belittle. Slurs can fall under many categories, including ethnic slurs, gendered slurs, religious slurs, homophobic, biphobic, and transphobic slurs, and ableist slurs.

How They Affect People
Words are powerful. Derogatory words not only hurt people, but they have the potential to incite violence and oppression. These words reflect and spread discrimination through the use of language.

Derogatory Words as Part of the Daily Language
Derogatory words have been part of our everyday lives, without us necessarily realizing, even using them unconsciously at times. They are ingrained into our society. We often hear derogatory words and slurs in music, movies, the workplace and in social media being thrown around jokingly.

Deconstruct the Normalization of These Words
Some of these words have been normalized into daily life , for which it is important to deconstruct this and confront people using them. When people use derogatory words and hear no response, then this condones them. In the process it harms the people being targeted and leads to the increase of hate and injustice in society.
Bronx, NY
Wasila Ibrahim
This item is shared by Wasila M Ibrahim with the World.
Created on 2021-06-21 at 18:02 and last updated on 2021-06-21 at 18:23.